Sunday, January 24, 2010


Hellos everyone!:D

Hmm,something thought-provoking!

As we're talking about the subject of global warming and many more...

How many of us goes to the nearest macdonalds and orders a big mac, sit down happily and start tucking into our nice big burger! Hahaha, apparently, eating less of beefburgers and bacon could wipe $20 trillion off the cost of fighting climate change! By eating less meat, we would create a huge carbon sink as vegetations would thrive on the unused farmland which probably once grew your cows!

How can your beefburger harm the environment? WELL...Methane, an extremely potent greenhouse gas, is released from flatulent cows and by manure as it decays. Furthermore, methane is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than carbon dioxide!

While there are other methods such as bringing our plastic bags to recycle and taking public transport, this is yet another option that we can consider! Hahaha,i'm not asking for the whole class to change and become vegetarians okays! That would be extremely extreme and scary!

Hahahaha! I hope the next time I go to macdonalds, the fish fillet burger would not have ran out cause it's bought by all of you out there!

Enjoy your weekend!:D


  1. HAHAHA! That's quite interesting! As in, I find it new :D And omg I think I only ate beef less than 5 times since I was born! O:

    Anyway, I think that we should eat more of fish too, because it has less fats and cholesterol (if I'm not wrong).

    Maybe we can all order fish burgers when we have a class outing to macs next time! And we'll be taking BUS there, hah! ;D

    -xinyun (:

  2. Grace, this is so new and interesting to me! I think it is very good as you could link the things we learned during class with things happened in our daily life! And I never consider that eating beef burger may cause a environmental problem!
    You said, "Methane, an extremely potent greenhouse gas, is released from flatulent cows and by manure as it decays.” But I am still confused about the link between eating beef burger and the releasing of methane.
    Anyway, this is quite interesting , good job!
    mengshan :)
