Friday, April 23, 2010

Drainage basin system in our daily life(Mengshan)

Geography is closely related to our daily lives and protects us from miserable disasters, for example, as flooding, Tsunami and etc. Instead of just memorizing the stuffs we learned in class, it is rather more meaningful if we can apply the knowledge in our life and find raw examples in our daily lives. :)
The diagram above shows the how the drainage basin system works.

Here come the pictures of drainage basin systems in the boarding school! :)

Drainage basin system is an example of an “open” system as it has inputs and outputs. This picture above is a typical example of drainage basin system. It has inputs which are the precipitation of raindrops, and outputs-------the evaporation and transpiration.
Basically, when there is a rain fall, most of the water drops will contact with the grassland, though part of it will flow in the sewer (Channel) directly. Water from the grassland experiences interception and finally enter the soil by infiltration. Beneath the ground, there will be through flow which is “water moving through soil” in the area of aeration, base flow which is “water slowly soak into the bedrock ” and enters the area of saturation.
In long-period rain season, the amount of input may surplus the field capacity of the soil and cause overland flow. In the example above, the water will flow into the sewer (Channel) and flow downwards the isohypse lines and prevents the flooding in our boarding school.:)
Have a nice weekends!:p
by Mengshan


  1. I agree that it's easier to learn and is more meaningful when we apply what we know into our daily lives. Do you think we should find out more about the drainage basins of singapore?(:


  2. It's quite interesting to know that we could use boarding school as an example(: maybe you could try explaining what are isohypse lines?

    -Si Jia(:

  3. If I'm not wrong, isohypse lines are contour lines..? O:

    By the way, Mengshan, thanks for highlighting the key terms! It makes reading and understanding your post much easier and convenient! :)

