Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hmm,something thought-provoking!
As we're talking about the subject of global warming and many more...
How many of us goes to the nearest macdonalds and orders a big mac, sit down happily and start tucking into our nice big burger! Hahaha, apparently, eating less of beefburgers and bacon could wipe $20 trillion off the cost of fighting climate change! By eating less meat, we would create a huge carbon sink as vegetations would thrive on the unused farmland which probably once grew your cows!
How can your beefburger harm the environment? WELL...Methane, an extremely potent greenhouse gas, is released from flatulent cows and by manure as it decays. Furthermore, methane is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than carbon dioxide!
While there are other methods such as bringing our plastic bags to recycle and taking public transport, this is yet another option that we can consider! Hahaha,i'm not asking for the whole class to change and become vegetarians okays! That would be extremely extreme and scary!
Hahahaha! I hope the next time I go to macdonalds, the fish fillet burger would not have ran out cause it's bought by all of you out there!
Enjoy your weekend!:D
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Three (part II)
Although it's just a game, I think that it actually helped us to learn through our mistakes and help one another out. By not being able to say those other keywords that link us directly to the word, we can actually discover more ways to express it. In this way, it'll aid us in putting the bits and pieces of information together, connecting each of them to become a bigger picture.
Also, by not being able to guess the word(s), we can have a good gauge of what we really know and what are the concepts that we're still not sure of. Subsequently, we'll be able to identify what we have to revise so as to understand the topics taught. By the way, I think that it's very fun too (in a way)! :D
Hi 04 =]] Let’s summarize what we’ve learnt for today! YAY!
Feedback loop: a mechanism/process/signal that is looped back to control a system within itself.
*Negative feedback: help to maintain stability in a system.
Ex: in a jungle, snakes eat rabbits.
The number of rabbits increase
-> the number of snakes increase, but then when snakes increase in number, snakes eat more rabbits
-> the number of rabbits decreases
->snakes do not have enough rabbits to eat
->snakes die and the number of snakes decrease
->the number of rabbits increase again :)
(So you can see that it goes around and around and maintain the stability of the system)
Positive feedback: is when part of output is fed back to increase the input. It’s unstable.
Ex: Abe do = flexibility of the surface.
Ex: On snowy regions (like mountains or North pole, etc.).
If the earth is warmer due to global warming, those regions will become warmer, land will absorb more heat and become even hotter.
Four major Carbon reservoirs
- Organic molecules in living/dead organisms found in biosphere
- As CO2 in atmosphere
-As fossil fuel & sedimentary rocks & organic matter in soil in lithosphere
-As dissolved CO2 in oceans
Carbon cycle is regulated by feedback loops
Amount taken up through photosynthesis ≈ the amount emitted through respiration and decomposition.
Flow of Carbon in fossil fuel≈ 0
Some processes of Carbon Cycle
A negative feedback Loop in the Carbon Cycle
Carbon flows from atmosphere -->ocean and vice versa.
These 2 flows are approx. equal because of the diffusion of Carbon from atmosphere to the storage
--> equilibrium between the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and ocean.
However, Combustion + deforestation disrupt this equilibrium
--> Add carbon to atmosphere
--> [C] in atmosphere > [C] in ocean
--> Carbon then diffuses from atmosphere to ocean
REVELLE FACTOR: Negative feedback loop limits the size of the flow
--> CO2 dissolves in ocean, it reduces the ocean’s pH
--> ocean more acidic
--> Slows down the rate at which CO2 dissolves in the ocean
Positive feedback Loop in Carbon Cycle
Permafrost in Siberia
Contains peach, carbon-rich organic material and methane
And finally, homework!!!
From the passage look for a possible suggestion to explain the mystery of the missing Carbon
Is there a negative feedback loop
Explain why (seemingly) negative feedback loop may actually work as a positive feedback loop in Carbon Cycle?
(Note: Ms Lo said that the answer is maximum half a page, as in you can just have 1 word for your answer =)) not to write a super long long essay or anything=)) ) Ok! Have fun studying
I think today's lesson is easy to understand and it's interesting to see how Feedback loop regulates the amount of carbon around us =)) but i dont know why they call "negative feedback" when it makes the system stable, and "positive feedback" when it's unstable?
oh, i have a question ( maybe we've learnt this before but i forgot =(( ): what's carbon footprint? (when we played the word guessing game)
Giang =]]
Thursday, January 14, 2010
14th Jan
by shuoyu
The 4 spheres of earth are Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere and Atmosphere. In this lesson our main focus is on Atmosphere.
First we learnt about the structure of Atmosphere. The Atmosphere is divided into four layers.
◎The sphere where clouds exist is troposphere, the lowest layer of atmosphere.
◎Above troposphere is stratosphere, where ozone layer in this sphere reflects the ultraviolet rays from the sun.
◎Mesosphere is the third layer which reflects radio waves.
◎Thermosphere is the outermost layer. The temperature is high enough to burn the meteorites. -The temperature changes differently in each sphere (the Environmental Lapse Rate).
-Nitrogen (78%) and Oxygen (21%) are the main components. The Atmosphere provides the air we breathe and keep our planet warm.
I am still a bit confused about how the CFC damages the ozone layer. Maybe I should do some researches for some explanation (about the reactions that take place).
We also learnt about the carbon cycle by playing the game online. Carbon is absorbed by oceans, photosynthesis of plants and stored as trees, soils and fuel. At the same time is released by deforestation and human activities (breathing and burning fuel).
The quizzes enabled us to revise and improve our understanding of the new topic, saving the time to memorize at home. I think it was the most effective way to review immediately after learning.
Nitrogen cycle is our homework which will be tested the next lesson.
There are four interdependent parts called "spheres":
- lithosphere (rigid outermost shell of the planet)
- hydrosphere (all the planet's solid, liquid & gaseous water)
- biosphere (all the planet's living organisms)
- atmosphere ( all the planet's air)
Nitrogen + Oxygen = 99% of the dry atmosphere
Environmental Lapse Rate = decrease in temp with increase in altitude through the troposphere.
Ozone Layer found in stratosphere; shields Earth's life from harmful effects of the Sun's UV Rays. However, CFCs which are released into the atmosphere are broken down by the Sun into chlorine which then attacks the ozone layer. Luckily, the Montreal Protocol has been successful.
As pressure decreases, temp in
troposphere - decrease
stratosphere - increase
mesosphere - decrease (lowest)
thermosphere - increase
Carbon Cycle
- a biogeo cycle where carbon is exchanged among the spheres. (very impt)
- Global Carbon Budget: balance of the exchanges of carbon in the carbon cycle
- sink/source
- carbon sinks: 'natural/manmade reservoir that accumulates and stores some carbon- containing chemical compound for an indefinite period.'
- Process of carbon sinks removing CO2 from atmosphere: carbon sequestration
I think the way and the fact that the 4 spheres interact with one another is very interesting, how everything can connect to each other, and affect them; the chain reactions. The spheres also remind me of AVATAR: the last airbender show, where the 4 powers are air, water, earth and fire I think.. The way everyone groups our world are more or less the same, just like the 4 spheres - earth, water, air, and us!
Then came the other 4 'spheres' - troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere. It's a wonder whether they grouped this according to the increase/decrease of the temperature as the pressure decreases, since they're alternating.
I wish to learn more about how they all connect with one another, it makes nature feel interesting.
HOMEWORK: Read up on Nitrogen Cycle
- Lifang(: